About Me
- Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach
- I am a Blogger, web & graphic designer, girlfriend, student, model, nurses aid, night owl, friend of 420, activist, Catholic, Buddhist, yoga follower, survivalist, friend, daughter, Canadian, Atlantan, strawberry blonde spaz, with a kind heart.
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Monday, July 5, 2010
Meditation Monday - Guided Heart Chakra Meditation
6:09 AM |
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Week 4 - Heart Chakra Meditation and Cleansing
For those who are new to meditation (which I think most of my readers are), I am going to try and explain the best I can. If you ever have any questions or need help, please feel free to leave a comment with your email and I will try to get back to you asap.
Now, with that being said, we will now look into Chakra MeditationIf this is your first time stopping by Meditation Monday, I invite you to read Breathing Techniques, Week 1 - Root Chakra, Week 2 - Sacral Chakra, Week 3 - Solar Plexus Chakra
Generally, you look at the chakras from bottom to top. There are seven (7) main body chakras. (The rest are for the advanced category, and I don't even know them all) We are going to look at the first seven, then you should have enough knoledge to expand into the other five on your own.
For more info on all seven, click here.This week's entry:
This week is the Heart Chakra, also called the Anahata. It's located in the center of the chest. The 4 th chakra is responsible for emotional empowerment, and often has problems between distinguishing between love and hate. It is also linked with heart conditions, asthma, lung & breast cancers and many more.
Personality wise, someone with problem in this chakra may seem over emotionally developed or have a sensitive trigger when it comes to deals of the heart. People with over developed sense of Heart chakra may seem having too much love, not different from animal hoarders.
Let's get started:
- To restore proper energy circulation, reach your dominant hand and place it to the opposite shoulder, then place your non-dominant hand on the other shoulder. Hug yourself, stretching back and forth for about 1 min and 30 secs.
- Sit down, and relax your entire body.
- Now, sit in lotus posistion. (Often know as indian-style or cross-legged.)
- Place your hands, palm facing the sky, on your knees. (Hands should be just laid on your knees)
- Remember to stay as relaxed as possible.
- Take five deep, long, engaging breathes. See my post Breathing to relieve stress)
- Now click play! (The video runs about 3:30 mins)
Now that you've watched the video, do you feel any better?
When dealing with troubling the matters of the heart, it's best to sit back from the decision or environment for at least 2 hours, befor then coming back and letting your head or heart do the talking.
Meditation tip:
If your having really bad relationship problems, this is a great chakra to work on. BEWARE. The decisions you come to from meditation may be the best decisions, they almost never the ones we want to make.
Futher Reading: Heart Chakra Meditations Audio CD by Layne Redmond
If your looking to do some work with your heart strings, try out this CD. It's a good place to start. It will help you get the gist of what your trying to accomplish.
My Grade:
B+ It's a CD, so thepiratebay.org?

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Social Parade Week of 7/1
1:45 PM |
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Thanks for stopping by! Take a look around.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Amazing New Findings On Helping Kids With Mental & Learning Disorders
9:32 PM |
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We're finally "thinking" about mental and learning disorders in kids.
Now I must say, when I watched this video, I literally cried.
"It is estimated that one in six children suffer from developmental disorders, including mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, learning disorders, attentional disorders, genetic disorders, sleep disorders. However, despite the fact that all these disorders originate in the brain, most of them are diagnosed solely by looking at behavioural symptoms without ever looking at the brain! That is, they are diagnosed behaviourally rather than neurologically. This often results in an incomplete or inaccurate diagnosis." - Dr. Aditi Shankardass
I was and still am one of these 1 in 6 kids. Although I will say, thinking back now, I have never known any friend or school mate who didn't have some type of mental disability or affliction. Every friend of mine has had either dyslexia, ADHD/ADD, or something of that matter. Not only that but my own father suffers from ADD. These studies are the most important break through in medical science to me. I can remember being younge and wondering why I couldn't understand, or read well, or even do what the others kids were able to do. Little known fact about me:
When I was around 7th grade I took the IOWA test (giant end of year scholastic exam). When I got the results back I was really surprised. I have over a college level of vocabulary and definition skills, but was at a 5th grade spelling level. To this day, spell check is my hero.
I was placed on ADHD meds at a very young age. Fortunately I was taken off them fairly quickly, unfortunately I went back on the meds in high school. Even worse, I went through 85% or more of the stimulants on the market looking for the one to "fix" me. I lost many friends and destroyed many relationships due to the side-effects. Not to mention my forever slow metabolism, (caused by my Adderall rx).
After SEVERAL years of personalized one-on-one education, meditation, and proper eating, I am finally able to live a semi-normal life, without medication.
All I can say, is thank you to Dr. Aditi Shankardass. Kids are finally being HELPED and not just medicated. I am so SICK of hearing about kids being medicated because of something, like she said, that is being diagnosed by looking at these kids, not by studying them with the proper methods.Another interesting fact, kids with ADHD have been found to have certain vitamin and nutrient deficiencies.
It brings light to my heart to know we are still working towards enrichment of each others lives instead of the greed and malice we see on CNN, FOX and other cable news channels. This is why I watch Ted.com, you don't really see these wonderful stories anymore. Most of America is more interested in theoretical boys in UFOs. Yeah, that's right, I said it. And you will NEVER live it down publicized media!!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Meditation Monday - Guided Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
9:01 PM |
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Week 3 - Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation and Cleansing
For those who are new to meditation (which I think most of my readers are), I am going to try and explain the best I can. If you ever have any questions or need help, please feel free to leave a comment with your email and I will try to get back to you asap.
Now, with that being said, we will now look into Chakra MeditationIf this is your first time stopping by Meditation Monday, I invite you to read Breathing Techniques, Week 1 - Root Chakra, and Week 2 - Sacral Chakra.
Generally, you look at the chakras from bottom to top. There are seven (7) main body chakras. (The rest are for the advanced category, and I don't even know them all) We are going to look at the first seven, then you should have enough knoledge to expand into the other five on your own.
For more info on all seven, click here.This week's entry:
So far we have looked at the Root and Sacral Chakras. This week were going to study the Solar Plexus. The Solar Plexus is the third chakra and is also known as the Manipura. The Solar Plexus is located two inches below the breast bone, in the center, behind the stomach. This chakra is in connection with mental understanding of emotional life as well as holding the information of self-esteem and self-image.
From a personality perspective, people with an over active Solar Plexus can be very egotistical and have an urge to "one-up" people. Interestingly, people with a dysfunctional third chakra often have diabetes and/or a large amount of food allergies. This chakra is also involved with colitis and colon disease.
Let's get started:
- To start your meditation, stand and rotate your stomach in a circular motion, (not unlike belly-dancing motions).
- Relax your entire body (still standing).
- Now, sit in lotus posistion. (Often know as indian-style or cross-legged.)
- Place your hands, palm facing the sky, on your knees. (Hands should be just laid on your knees)
- Remember to stay as relaxed as possible.
- Take five deep, long, engaging breathes. See my post Breathing to relieve stress)
- Now click play! (The video runs about 4 mins, I strongly suggest completing the entire video for meditation.) I suggest this because of the Solar Plexus Chakra having a tendency to be easily effected by stimuli.
Now that you've watched the video, do you feel any better?
A cool thing with this chakra is you can meditate with your kids! Try doing the Twist or playing hula hoop, both are a great way to massage any stagnant energy within this area.
Meditation tip:
If you notice your child is having a hard time making friends, this might have something to do with it. Try engaging your child in your meditations if possible. It will both help you grown, and often can help with the (now common) ADHD/ADD child.
Futher Reading: Seven Spirals: A Chakra Sutra for Kids by Denna Haiber
I LOVE this book. It's a great way to get your kids meditating early. Not only that, but it provides a great Kid-like description of the chakras that helped me understand better.
My Grade:
A+ I love this book, kids love this book, why don't you love this book?
Giveaway Update & Sing-A-Long Sunday
1:32 PM |
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Sunday June 27th 2010
Giveaway Update & Sing-A-Long Sunday
Yes everyone it's Sunday, the good news is I have posted 3 of my upcoming giveaways! I also have a discount code for Red Envelope!
Check out the best selling Anniversary Gifts. Or perhaps some Cufflinks?
Either way:
Use PRESENTS10 Promotion code at checkout and get:
10% off site wide
15% off $80 or more
20% off $125 or more
Lookie Lookie, cool stuff for you!:
Review & Giveaway: Necklace Review and $20 GC to Little Angels Jewelry
2:34 AM |
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Review & Giveaway:
Necklace Review
$20 GC to Little Angels Jewelry
Ends 7/12 @ 11:59 pm Eastern Time.
When I happened upon Sarah (Little Angels Jewelry) Etsy shop and Little Angels Jewelry.com, I was amused to say the least. Her shop was not only cute but really unique and made me feel like I had stumbled upon a great handmade yard sale on the side of a random road. I also couldn't resist because I worked with a girl who had a mustache tattooed on her finger, and when I was stressed she would come up and put it to her mouth to lighten me up.
Generously, Little Angels Jewelry has offered one lucky reader a $20 GC towards any purchase of their choice! Ausome!
First Impressions:Generously, Little Angels Jewelry has offered one lucky reader a $20 GC towards any purchase of their choice! Ausome!
So, as I looked through the massive amount of ausome inventory, I couldn't help but notice some really great things. The one that cought my eye first was this cute little necklace:
Like the earrings?
Tygerfli Earrings Giveaway Click Here!
Forgive horrible picture!!!
I love this thing! It's sooo cute. Very simple but fun. It says "yeah, I got a fish... so what." Love! Not only that, but a great thing to where to a cook out on 4th pf July! Or chillin at the pool. Very light, and easy to wear.
But is it worth it?
Totally! These great and stylish nic-nacs, are just the missing element to add pizazz, with out going over board.
Can we say cute date night?
Or perhaps a cool conversation piece ring...
Only $16.99
Need an extra hand?
Both $9.99
So in the end?Little Angels Jewelry took me back to being a kid, in style and in budget. Most items are under $20, and BELIEVE me, there is something for everyone. Not only that, but great fashionable cuff links and military items!
Only $20
Buy it:
Visit Little Angels Jewelry, take a look deep into her shop, she has some really unexpected hidden treasures. I promise there's something for everyones wallet as well. Shipping is under $4 (for the 1st item, 10 cents for every additional item) with in the USA, and around $6 for international.
Win it:
One lucky reader will win a $20 Gift Card to Little Angels Jewelry, where they can browse and shop their choice of item(s). Giveaway Ends 7/12 @ 11:59 pm Eastern Time.
Mandatory entry: (I don't care if this is done first, but for your other entries to be credited you must do this.)
Publicly follow the mini Beach bird on GFC (Google Friend Connect) and leave me a comment telling me so. (Already a follower? Still counts!) - 2 entries
Extra entries: (Remember to complete the mandatory entry, otherwise these entries are NOT valid. Please also remember to leave a comment for each entry, including links when needed. Ex. 5 entries = 5 comments.)
- Heart Little Angels Jewelry on Etsy (leave your etsy name thx!) - 5 entries
- Visit Little Angels Jewelry and comment what item(s) you would buy if you won - 2 entries
- Make any purchase from Little Angels Jewelry (comment name of what you bought and etsy username)- 10 entries
- Like the mini Beach bird on Facebook. (leave your FB name thx!) - 2 entries
- Subscribe to the mini Beach bird RSS. (leave your email thx!) - 2 entries
- Follow me on Twitter. @judaleonard (leave your username thx!) - 2 entries
- Follow me on Networked Blogs (on right sidebar) - 2 entries
- Blog about this giveaway. (leave a link thx!) - 5 entries
- Tweet about this giveaway. (Up to 5 times daily (at least 1 hr apart), leave twitter link with each comment.) (Feel free to use: #Win Little Angels Jewelry Etsy #Giveaway $20 #Giftcard Ends 7/12 http://bit.ly/ca1FaY @judaleonard) - 1 entry per tweet, 5 daily MAX
- Place my button on your site/blog. (Code can be found on right sidebar.) - 5 entries
That's 40+ possible entries + tweets! Have fun and good luck!
Note: I understand some people prefer low entry contests. I am not one of them, all of my contests will have atleast 10-15 entries, if not more. More entries, more chances.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Review & Giveaway: Earrings from Tygerfli Esty Shop
10:55 PM |
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Thanks for making my giveaway an Editors Pick!
Review & Giveaway:
Earrings from Tygerfli Etsy Shop
Ends 7/12 @ 11:59 pm Eastern Time.
I was very grateful to Nicole (Tygerfli Designs) when she emailed me back about my interest in doing a giveaway. I couldn't believe it when I saw her ausome butterfly earrings! Even better when I got them in the mail. I asked her to send me the orange (I had a matching shirt LOL) She was not only generous to send me the orange ones, but she's also offering 2 of my readers their own earrings!
Forgive horrible picture!
Like the necklace?
$20 GC Giveaway Click Here!
First Impressions:I LOVE these earrings! And I LOVE orange, so it's a winner! Lol I really do enjoy these earrings, and the pairs the readers will win are just as great! She is offering 3 pairs for 2 winners.
1st Winner will win these beautiful Monarch Butterfly Earrings
2nd Winner will win both pairs of these *very* cute Retro-Chic Button Earrings
But are they worth it?
Most deff! These little orange cuties are only $12, the winning pair of butterflies are worth $10, and the buttons range from $4-$10 depending on size. These inexpensive treasures are great to add a personal piece of ear flair to any outfit!
When checking out her shop, I found LOTS of *I want* items, including this wicked cool necklace and bracelet.
YAY Orange!
When checking out her shop, I found LOTS of *I want* items, including this wicked cool necklace and bracelet.
Only $15 ?!?!
So in the end?
I love Tygerfli because she offers some really great jewelery for an even better price. Not only that, but I live in Atlanta, do you know hard it is to find these kinds of things at these prices?!?! Can anyone say Junkman's Daughter for less! Plus, I am ALWAYS supportive of independent, young, emerging designers and artists. Tygerfli has a wonderful gift of taking things that are familiar and offering up a great product that will make you squeal from glee (and from your nearly unaffected bank account. Woot woot!)
Only $40
Buy it:
Visit Tygerfli, and check out all of her butterfly earrings. She has a TON of colors and sizes to choose from! All ranging between $10-$20 depending on size. Shipping is $5 (for first item, $1 per each additional item) anywhere in the USA and $15 for international shipping.
Win it:
Two (2) of my lucky readers will win a prize from this wonderful fabric artist.
1st Winner: Monarch Butterfly Earrings
2nd Winner: both pairs of the Retro-Chic Button Earrings
Giveaway Ends 7/12 @ 11:59 pm Eastern Time.
1st Winner: Monarch Butterfly Earrings
2nd Winner: both pairs of the Retro-Chic Button Earrings
Giveaway Ends 7/12 @ 11:59 pm Eastern Time.
Mandatory entry: (I don't care if this is done first, but for your other entries to be credited you must do this.)
Publicly follow the mini Beach bird on GFC (Google Friend Connect) and leave me a comment telling me so. (Already a follower? Still counts!) - 2 entries
Extra entries: (Remember to complete the mandatory entry, otherwise these entries are NOT valid. Please also remember to leave a comment for each entry, including links when needed. Ex. 5 entries = 5 comments.)
- Heart Tygerfli on Etsy (leave your etsy name thx!) - 5 entries
- Like Tygerfli on Facebook. (leave your FB name thx!) - 3 entries
- Comment on Tygerfli's Facebook wall saying "Entered your giveaway @ the mini Beach bird." (leave your FB name thx!) - 3 entries
- Visit Tygerfli and comment what items (not listed here) you also love - 2 entries
- Make any purchase from Tygerfli (comment name of what you bought and etsy username)- 10 entries
- Like the mini Beach bird on Facebook. (leave your FB name thx!) - 2 entry
- Follow me on Twitter. @judaleonard (leave your username thx!) - 2 entry
- Follow me on Networked Blogs (on right sidebar) - 1 entry
- Blog about this giveaway. (leave a link thx!) - 5 entries
- Tweet about this giveaway. (Up to 5 times daily (at least 1 hr apart), leave twitter link with each comment.) (Feel free to use: #Win Tygerfli Etsy #Giveaway Butterfly Earrings | 2 Winners | Ends 7/12 http://bit.ly/9IgFy7 @judaleonard) - 1 entry per tweet, 5 daily MAX
- Place my button on your site/blog. (Code can be found on right sidebar.) - 5 entries
That's 40 possible entries + tweets! Have fun and good luck!
Note: I understand some people prefer low entry contests. I am not one of them, all of my contests will have atleast 10-15 entries, if not more. More entries, more chances.
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