About Me
- Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach
- I am a Blogger, web & graphic designer, girlfriend, student, model, nurses aid, night owl, friend of 420, activist, Catholic, Buddhist, yoga follower, survivalist, friend, daughter, Canadian, Atlantan, strawberry blonde spaz, with a kind heart.
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
Social Parade Week of 5/28
6:08 PM |
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Introducing: the mini Beach bird V2.0!
6:49 PM |
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Welcome Partons and Newbies alike!

I would like to talk about my new layout and it's New stuff and Nifty stuff.
New Stuff, Nifty Stuff and Layout Change:

Well that's about it for my explanation. Now I invite you to check out Wordless Wednesday and let me know what you think about the graphics and layout.
and as always,

I would like to thank you for coming by. If this is your 1st visit saluet (welcome), and if your returning thanks for coming back.

I would like to talk about my new layout and it's New stuff and Nifty stuff.
New Stuff, Nifty Stuff and Layout Change:
- Well there's actually not a lot of new stuff, which I am proud of. I made an effort to make this layout more open and less cluttered. Although it's not entirely void of new. Under each post I now have the Reactions tab (This is very close to the "like" system facebook has).
- Same same goes for the nifty. I wanted just enough nifty without clutter. If you look at the bottom right hand corner next to the grey scrollbar on your browser you will find a small grey box with a white arrow inside. This little box is a great function called "Back To Top". This guy is good for when your at the bottom of the page and want to jump back to the top.
- With this layout you can see the menu is now on the top of the right hand sidebar. There are links for Home, About, Giveaways, and Vlog. Soon I will also be adding Hire Me (I will also be launching my Custom Blog Design Site) and PR Kit. Also on the right you can find GFC (Google Friend Connect), Blog Archive, My Website badge, and Blog/Networking buttons.
- Left hand sidebar you can find Search, Share, and Subscribe. Along with Lables & My Blog List.
Just to let you know this page is best viewed in Google Chrome with a 1280 x 800 or higher.

Well that's about it for my explanation. Now I invite you to check out Wordless Wednesday and let me know what you think about the graphics and layout.
and as always,
Thanks For stopping by, and hope to see you back!

I also really want to thank everyone from Friday Follow a couple weeks back!!! Thanks for your support and a giveaway will be up soon.

Wordless Wednesday 5/26/10
6:30 PM |
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A sweet drink for a sweet night. |
Social Parade Week of 5/17
8:37 AM |
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Yay another week of Social Parade
Sorry for being out of touch. I am working on a wonderful new vector layout for the blog.
Keep checking back! I may be a little slow on updates, but all in the way in progress. I am also getting a new giveaway together!!! So welcome, and come back! LOL
Friday, May 14, 2010
NEW Arizona Brand Vapor Water
11:48 PM |
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"It's got what plants crave. It's got Electrolytes!" -Idiocrazy (2006)
Yes my followers, the saint of water is apon us. Arizona, the tea company we love somuch has just released a new product called Vapor Water. Buh buh buhhhhhH!!!!
Ok so I have to admit, I was really impressed. See, I hate water. I really dislike water. The only water I'll drink is VOSS, and it's running about $2 for a 12oz bottle. So I was visiting a friend tonight when he told me to check out this water. I was like ok. I am so pleased!!!
The Story:
From the bottle: "Water. Essential to all things living. Our planet's hydrological cycle causes it to evaporate into the air, creating water vapor that eventually returns to Earth in its purest form. AriZona has replicated this natural process — and improved upon it — by infusing a perfectly balanced blend of electrolytes into every thirst quenching sip."
The Truth:
The truth is this water tastes like the most perfect bottled tap water, in a good way. It's got the clean taste that Fuji or VOSS water has, but it's got this really unique natural taste to it. When they say it's "Electrolyte Infused" I think they mean it.
First off, I really love the top, it's a "nipple bottle" top. It's a lot easier to drink. I also like the size. I'm a constant consumer. I constantly eat and drink minute amounts of food and drink all day. I think that's why I don't like drinks, because they go stale if you leave it out for too long. That's the greatest thing about this water. It doesn't go stale. Every time you drink, it tastes like fresh water. I also really like the size. At 25.3 FL OZ (larger than more bottled waters) it's large enough to last more than longer enough but small enough to fit in most cup holders (the sole reason why I don't buy Vitamin water).
The bottle is pretty damn sturdy. Like really sturdy. Meaning it won't come loose in your purse (*cough cough* Dasani)
The one I bought, 25.3 (the small size wth?) seems to be ranging about $1.29-$1.49 depending on where (or if) you can find it.
The Cons:
AVAILABILITY! From what I can see online it's slightly scare, with not a lot of info or ratings. I got mine at a run down Exxon, so go figure. I have yet to see it QT :(
All Together Now:
I love it! Hands down good buy. And I'm sure you can find a coupon for it somewhere. So 7 out of 10 (only because I'm a broke sob, but I still pay for it... lol).
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Friday Follow Wooo!!! My Exact 2 Month Anniversary!
9:00 PM |
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Yes another week of Friday Follow! I would like to thank everyone for stopping by last week and welcome to anyone who's visiting this week.
This FF Goal:
Get 100 Followers
Well everyone, I am officially up to 75 GFC follows!!! If I can get up to 100 by the end of this weekend, I think I might just do a giveaway! Or at least I will do what I can. I want to thank everyone VERY VERY much!!! I have been online for exactly 2 months this Friday and I'm already up to 75! Wow. With this I thought I would put up 2 polls. One for what kind of giveaways you'd like to see and one to see what I should improve on. Please answer honestly. I won't be hurt, all in the way of improvement right?
The polls can be found at the bottom of this blog post. Just click the title and scroll to the end of the blog post and bam! Happy voting!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
"Your life feels like the morning after all year long."
12:39 AM |
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I thought I would share a thought with everyone. This time the past three years, I have always had a hard time.Year one I was recovering from some very detrimental habits. Year two I had just failed college and was moving home in a failed attempt and living with a broken heart, and year three I was dealing with my live-in boyfriend who was cheating on me. Through this entire time there was one song that REALLY hit me everytime I head it. This song was often the thing I came back too, it kind of made it ok.
Year one I had just graduated from high school and I was swimming in dangerous waters in every direction. I was recovering from an abusive relationship, looking towards outward desires to fix what I was having trouble with within myself. I was taken to my Aunts Orchard to start anew. This was not the best decision, but I've learned from it.
Year two I was coming home from failing my entire freshman year of college. I was driving home with a guy who is now my ex-finance, thinking about what had really happened in the past year. This was also the year my mother had her heart attack. Which is an entirely different story.
Year three my boyfriend at the time had been unemployed for nearly a year and it was starting to take a tole on the relationship. He enrolled in a CNA class and met someone knew. Let's just leave it at that.
Never the less, this is the first year that I can remember finally getting there. This year is the year of "happening". I slowly see myself growing up. More than I had ever imagined. So much makes sense now. Although I know that youth doesn't last forever, I wouldn't wish those horrible "coming of age" years on anyone! I remember laying on the bathroom floor wishing that some stupid boy, or some stupid situation, had never come about.
A lot of people will tell you I've had a busy life, and I have. I've been a Comp Tech, Chocolatier, Server, Cook, Maid, Nurse, Artist, and that's just to mention a few. Through out all of it, I've had to learn to be with myself. I think this is really hard for some kids. I think some kids are just born that way. Sure I've had A LOT of ups and downs, and sure I have the multitasking ability of a 30 yr old mom with 6 kids, but would I trade it for an easier life? I'm not really sure.
There's something about growing up different. You kinda learn more. You learn saying this or doing that may not be the best decision. I know I was a hard kid to train, but I got there.... it just a little longer than hoped. I watch my friends siblings enter into "young adulthood" and pray to God they stay strong, because all I want to say to them is "This is only the begging."
So if you have one of those kids, the ones who don't listen, or seem not to care, or act out, or even are in trouble a lot. Just bare with them, even if they have to get in trouble. Just be there. Sometimes you shouldn't even talk, just be there. Acknowledge them when they're there, even if the sneer at you. They don't mean it. They don't understand. And try not to be too harsh. Allow them to bloom and learn even on they're own, even with supervision. Lol
Take it from one of those kids. We all grow up. Just think of it as your the pop sickle stick and they're the tomato. Sometimes they fall over on you no matter what you do, and once and a while they even may loose a fruit to a weasel, but they're still a tomato plant right now... That's all they know how to do.
If you really listen to the song, and think about when your life really has been THAT hard, I think you'll understand. And just remember, everyone thinks about giving up sometimes, just don't be a person that gives up all the time.
Year one I had just graduated from high school and I was swimming in dangerous waters in every direction. I was recovering from an abusive relationship, looking towards outward desires to fix what I was having trouble with within myself. I was taken to my Aunts Orchard to start anew. This was not the best decision, but I've learned from it.
Year two I was coming home from failing my entire freshman year of college. I was driving home with a guy who is now my ex-finance, thinking about what had really happened in the past year. This was also the year my mother had her heart attack. Which is an entirely different story.
Year three my boyfriend at the time had been unemployed for nearly a year and it was starting to take a tole on the relationship. He enrolled in a CNA class and met someone knew. Let's just leave it at that.
Never the less, this is the first year that I can remember finally getting there. This year is the year of "happening". I slowly see myself growing up. More than I had ever imagined. So much makes sense now. Although I know that youth doesn't last forever, I wouldn't wish those horrible "coming of age" years on anyone! I remember laying on the bathroom floor wishing that some stupid boy, or some stupid situation, had never come about.
A lot of people will tell you I've had a busy life, and I have. I've been a Comp Tech, Chocolatier, Server, Cook, Maid, Nurse, Artist, and that's just to mention a few. Through out all of it, I've had to learn to be with myself. I think this is really hard for some kids. I think some kids are just born that way. Sure I've had A LOT of ups and downs, and sure I have the multitasking ability of a 30 yr old mom with 6 kids, but would I trade it for an easier life? I'm not really sure.
There's something about growing up different. You kinda learn more. You learn saying this or doing that may not be the best decision. I know I was a hard kid to train, but I got there.... it just a little longer than hoped. I watch my friends siblings enter into "young adulthood" and pray to God they stay strong, because all I want to say to them is "This is only the begging."
So if you have one of those kids, the ones who don't listen, or seem not to care, or act out, or even are in trouble a lot. Just bare with them, even if they have to get in trouble. Just be there. Sometimes you shouldn't even talk, just be there. Acknowledge them when they're there, even if the sneer at you. They don't mean it. They don't understand. And try not to be too harsh. Allow them to bloom and learn even on they're own, even with supervision. Lol
Take it from one of those kids. We all grow up. Just think of it as your the pop sickle stick and they're the tomato. Sometimes they fall over on you no matter what you do, and once and a while they even may loose a fruit to a weasel, but they're still a tomato plant right now... That's all they know how to do.
If you really listen to the song, and think about when your life really has been THAT hard, I think you'll understand. And just remember, everyone thinks about giving up sometimes, just don't be a person that gives up all the time.
Not Your Year - The Weepies
"Scattered shadows on a wall, you watch the long light fall
Some impressions stay and some will fade
Tattered shoes outside your door, clothes all on the floor
Your life feels like the morning after all year long.
Every day it starts again
You cannot say if you're happy
You keep trying to be
Try harder, maybe this is not your year.
Movies, TV screens reflect just what you expected
There's a world of shiny people somewhere else
Out there following their bliss
living easy, getting kissed
while you wonder what else you're doing wrong
Breathe through it, write a list of desires
Make a toast, make a wish, slash some tires
Paint a heart repeating, beating "don't give up, don't give up, don't give up."
33.6392536, -83.985008
Wordless Wednesday 5/11/10
5:38 PM |
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Wordless Wednesday
"I'm threw with your insubordination."
Ok so... Little Clairmont is pregnant... sad, I know. This week she has had just about enough of Koi Koi's male antics. So she decided to lock him in the shower. Jo and I were sitting in the bedroom when we hear quite a loud bang. So we go into the bath room and as you can see, there's Little Clairmont sitting in front of the shower looking particularly please with herself.... Accident or Intentional... You be the judge...
P.S. No photoshop or image editing was done on these pictures... they really did develop like this. Creepy.
33.6392536, -83.985008
Review From Wining (RFW): Sue B Essentials
5:07 PM |
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First off I would like to say a big THANK YOU!!! to both Girly Girl Giveaways and Sue B. Essentials for this wonderful set.
I received:
After I put it on, I finished getting ready and headed out for the day. After about five to ten minutes, the scent completely changed. It sort of mixed in and gave out a very subtle smell. I think it was the Asian floral. It became a lovely powder fresh smell with almost a small and barely noticeable prick to it, probably from the lemon. That was my second impression.
Well a couple of hours had passed and I had forgotten about it. I was sitting down to eat when I smelled my arm and the reason why I hadn't smelled it is because it became the most milky buttery floral smell. Kinda like Swedish lemon butter cookies. It had gone from a very bold smell to a very slight pleasant smell perfect for the transition from spring to summer. (And little Clairmont the cat LOVES it...)
I am perfectly satisfied and overwhelmingly pleased with my gifts. They were both very pleasant and well made. Both items were shipped quickly (I won the 30th of April - 11 days). I also would like to say Girly Girl Giveaways was very helpful and professional. Once again, thank you very much!!!
Luscious Lanolin Body Butter & Dragon's Milk Perfume Oil |
I received:
Well aside from not being the one to open it... lol (Jo was too excited and felt he wanted to open it first, he also takes the first bite and sip of all my food and drink lol, at least I'll never be poisoned unknowingly. ♥Jo) Besides that, when I looked in the package I was very enthused. I was expecting the sample sized oil but the lotion was much more than expected.
I was slightly sad that it arrived after Mother's Day, but it's cool. I gave the lotion to Jo's mother, Amanda. Befor I gave it too her, I did sneak a use. The lotion is really nice. It's very hydrating. The smell is very woody and I almost feel like I'm camping in a sweet citrus orchard. LOL But no, it was really nice. It was a very fruity and bold scent.
I was really excited about the Dragon's Milk. The description said:
"...swirl of Dragon’s blood Resin, smoky patchouli, and deep green woodsy Oakmoss Resin, Ravensara and a hint of sweet vanilla oil. Dragon’s Blood is a warm, woodsy earth scent with notes of amber, vanilla, sandalwood, light tones of powdery musk’s, and hints of Asian floral."When I first smelled it, I was really pleasantly surprised. It smells like graham crackers mixed with cinnamon rolls, blended with the comforting smell of your favorite family members unused room. In other words, it's an amazing scent that blends the feeling of old school houses, churches, family and tradition with a sort of New Age feeling to it. I really enjoy it. Not an everyday scent, more like a mid-summers night BBQ or concert. That was my first impression.
After I put it on, I finished getting ready and headed out for the day. After about five to ten minutes, the scent completely changed. It sort of mixed in and gave out a very subtle smell. I think it was the Asian floral. It became a lovely powder fresh smell with almost a small and barely noticeable prick to it, probably from the lemon. That was my second impression.
Well a couple of hours had passed and I had forgotten about it. I was sitting down to eat when I smelled my arm and the reason why I hadn't smelled it is because it became the most milky buttery floral smell. Kinda like Swedish lemon butter cookies. It had gone from a very bold smell to a very slight pleasant smell perfect for the transition from spring to summer. (And little Clairmont the cat LOVES it...)
I am perfectly satisfied and overwhelmingly pleased with my gifts. They were both very pleasant and well made. Both items were shipped quickly (I won the 30th of April - 11 days). I also would like to say Girly Girl Giveaways was very helpful and professional. Once again, thank you very much!!!
33.6392536, -83.985008
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Giveaway List For May 9nd, 2010 - May 15th, 2010
8:58 AM |
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Giveaway Links by date for the week of 5/10 - 5/15:
Monday 5/10 :
- Yoplait Greek Yogart @ Me and My Boys
- The Tooth Fairy DVD @ Two of A Kind
- Clipa Instant Bag Hanger @ Little Yaya's
Tuesday 5/11 :
- Spa Naturals @ Gathering My Roses
- Cascadian Farm Prize Pack @ Slice O' Heaven
- U*Neaks Kids Tennis Shoes @ The Groschen Goblins
Wednesday 5/12 :
- Roman Meal Bread @ Fab Find Foodie
- Scarlet Treads Apron @ Smart and Trendy
- Canvas Press Custom Canvas @ One Savvy Mom
Thursday 5/13 :
- Sprig Toys @ Goodie Goodie Gumdrops
- Soft Lips Chapstick @ Out Numbered 3 to 1
- SunProtection Zone Wear @ Deal Wise Mommie
Friday 5/14 :
- Tiny Cool CD *Low Entries @ Goodie Goodie Gumdrops
- Jolly Clogs @ One Savvy Mom
- Timeless by Nicole Miller *Low Entries @ A Gal Needs
Saturday 5/15 :
- Aerial Designs @ K & K
- Right On the Wall Vinyl Wall Hanging@ Little Yaya's
- Into the Wind Kite @ One Savvy Mom

33.6392536, -83.985008
I need a favor for my mom from the blog moms.
8:59 PM |
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Befor we begin, I will go ahead and ask a favor of my readers. If you could, and maybe if you would, could you go to her blog and leave a comment or maybe even follow her on Google Friend Connect. I know it would mean a lot to her. She's been kinda down and hasn't been writting, and her mother is 93 this year and very ill. Will you cheer her up? Visit her blog HERE or click on "the BEACH bird 2" button on the right hand sidebar. Just tell her Happy Mothers Day and that Lilly sent you.
Well as you know (if you don't, what the f*@#! is wrong with you). Anyways, as you know, Sunday is Mothers Day. I, unfortunately won't be spending it with my mom :( She lives in Florida and I love in Georgia, and it's not that far away, it's just not a possiblitly right now. I miss my mom. :)
Anyways. I figure instead of posting horrible poetry or terrible singing, I thought why not sum it up with an video and a quote.
Well as you know (if you don't, what the f*@#! is wrong with you). Anyways, as you know, Sunday is Mothers Day. I, unfortunately won't be spending it with my mom :( She lives in Florida and I love in Georgia, and it's not that far away, it's just not a possiblitly right now. I miss my mom. :)
Anyways. I figure instead of posting horrible poetry or terrible singing, I thought why not sum it up with an video and a quote.
"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers."
Growing up with a single mom is a completely different life than having both parents in my opinion. I think the end result is a very stronge connection. You have to learn that you only depend on each other through the years.
My mother and I were always together. Especially when I became home school for a couple of years. The bond we developed was diffenert than any other I've ever encountered. It's been 7 years sense I lived with my mom, and I know that if were lived together now, we'd probably go nuts, but I still love her, and no matter what happens, she's my mom.
So I'd finally like to say thank you. This is going to be one of the only Mothers Days that I remembered (yeah I know, I'm a loser). But yes, I would like to say thank you to all my moms, especially that one in particular. The one mom who gave me life and suffered though me. And yes I know I was bad... like bad. But hey, what's the old saying, "Be kind to your mother or you'll get it back 10 fold." This quote alone scares me into being warry of having children.
As for now, I will simply say:
Thanks Mom. I love you. And everything will be ok.
If you do say hello to my mom, let me know, and I'll gladly do a favor in return. Otherwise, Happy Mothers Day.
Special Mothers day thanks to:
Lucy, Amanda, Tori's mom, Mary-Ellen, and all the other moms I've had.
My mother and I were always together. Especially when I became home school for a couple of years. The bond we developed was diffenert than any other I've ever encountered. It's been 7 years sense I lived with my mom, and I know that if were lived together now, we'd probably go nuts, but I still love her, and no matter what happens, she's my mom.
So I'd finally like to say thank you. This is going to be one of the only Mothers Days that I remembered (yeah I know, I'm a loser). But yes, I would like to say thank you to all my moms, especially that one in particular. The one mom who gave me life and suffered though me. And yes I know I was bad... like bad. But hey, what's the old saying, "Be kind to your mother or you'll get it back 10 fold." This quote alone scares me into being warry of having children.
As for now, I will simply say:
Thanks Mom. I love you. And everything will be ok.
Mom and I after high school graduation.
Special Mothers day thanks to:
Lucy, Amanda, Tori's mom, Mary-Ellen, and all the other moms I've had.
33.6392536, -83.985008
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Wordless Wednesday 5/5/10
10:36 PM |
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Wordless Wednesday
Left/White one: Koi Right/Brown one: Clairmont |
When I leave they get into my trash.
When I sleep, they pester me to pet them.
When I am running late for work, I always seem to trip on them.
When I do laundry, they shed all over my fresh black slacks.
When I clean out the litter, they immediately use it, before I've walked away.
But when I walk into the bathroom and see them sitting there, I can help but realize, although they drive me nuts. I would be lost with out them.
I just can't find the words....
33.6392536, -83.985008
Day #2: List Post : How to get started in giveaway blogging.
9:00 PM |
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Day #2: Write a List Post:
Ok so I thought forever about what I wanted to do a list about. Then I thought about when my mom started to get into blogging. She had a lot of questions so I thought, why not do a list on how to get started in the blog giveaway world. So lets get started! Please visit Blogossary for help with the lingo.
Ok so I thought forever about what I wanted to do a list about. Then I thought about when my mom started to get into blogging. She had a lot of questions so I thought, why not do a list on how to get started in the blog giveaway world. So lets get started! Please visit Blogossary for help with the lingo.
- Get an email. This is the most fundamental thing you must have. I suggest Gmail.
The rest of the steps are optional for the most part but they make your chances much higher.
- One trick of the trade: Make sure all of your usernames are the same, or close to each other. It just makes it easier on the giveaway holder when you win things.
- Get a twitter. Twitter is a networking site where individuals come together to "tweet" or communicate with taglines basically. Visit Twitter.
- Get a Facebook. Facebook, facebook. What can I say, it's Facebook. It is also a large networking site. Visit Facebook.
- Start using Google Friend Connect (GFC). GFC makes it easier to stay up to date with your fav blogs. Each blog you choose to "follow" goes on your google feed page, where you can read a small exert of the most recent post from each blog. Visit GFC.
- Get an Etsy. Etsy is a really cool personal goods site. It has vendors and sellers, selling various and often hand made items. Visit Etsy. Tell them judaleonard sent you!
- Make a blog. Google has really taken over anything. In a good way. You can now link your gmail with Blogger. Visit Blogger.
- Get on Google Calendars. This application saved my life!!!! I was always forgetting when different giveaways ended. It's easy to figure out and google always has great tutorials on how to. Visit Google Calendar.
Once you've signed up for everything, it's pretty easy. Just visit any of the blog botton on my page, most if not all host giveaways. I also invite you to check out my Giveaway list for this week: Clicky!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
31 Days? Day #1: Elevator Pitch
9:38 PM |
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Ok so I must admit, I'm seeing a lot of these blogs around trying this "31 Days to A Better Blog" thing... So I thought, what the hell. There's only room for improvement right? So Here it goes:
Day #1: Elevator Pitch:
The mini Beach bird's tagline:
"The non-mom, 20-something internet enthusiast, vlogging in a mom blogging world. Get a mom!"
Full elevator pitch:
"The mini Beach bird features blogs and vlogs about local going-ons in the mom blogging community. Written by a non-mom, but mom-loving future chef, the mini Beach bird offers giveaway links, recipes, stories, and much more! The mini Beach bird - Get a mom!"
All comments and ideas excepted. I probably won't be posting all of the days, but I'll do my best!
Day #1: Elevator Pitch:
The mini Beach bird's tagline:
"The non-mom, 20-something internet enthusiast, vlogging in a mom blogging world. Get a mom!"
Full elevator pitch:
"The mini Beach bird features blogs and vlogs about local going-ons in the mom blogging community. Written by a non-mom, but mom-loving future chef, the mini Beach bird offers giveaway links, recipes, stories, and much more! The mini Beach bird - Get a mom!"
All comments and ideas excepted. I probably won't be posting all of the days, but I'll do my best!
Thanks Goodie Goodie & Girly Girl!
2:42 PM |
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Just a quick thank you to Goodie Goodie Gumdrops and Girly Girl Giveaways for choosing me as winners! I won body butter and perfume from Girly Girl and 25 personalized greeting cards from Goodie Goodie! Thanks again!

christina aguilera,
Girly Girl Giveaways,
Goodie Goodie Gumdrops,
i won,

Giveaway List For May 2nd, 2010 - May 8th, 2010
12:03 PM |
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Giveaway Links by date for the week of 5/3 - 5/8:
Tuesday 5/4 :
Wednesday 5/5 :
Thursday 5/6 :
Friday 5/7 :
Saturday 5/8 :
Monday 5/3 :
- Bum Essentials $30 GC @ Eco Cheap Mom
- Kewt Kids Hair Clip @ Organic Girl
- Mazeway and EcoMazes Book @ Brimful Curiosities
Tuesday 5/4 :
- SnackTaxi @ Goodie Goodie Gumdrops
- Jiffy Lube $35 GC @ Trying To Stay Calm
- Seven Generation Natural Baby Kit @ Cheap and Creative
Wednesday 5/5 :
- Wow Wow Wubbzy Green DVD @ Goodie Goodie Gumdrops
- Mimi the Sardine Shopper @ Cheap and Creative
- Earth Mom Angle Baby @ Eco Cheap Mom
Thursday 5/6 :
- Designs by Derilyn @ Eco-Friendly & Frugal
- Baby Legs Leg Warmers @ Eco Cheap Mom
- Tooth Fairy Pillow (CUTE!) @ Organic Girl
Friday 5/7 :
- Hair Flairs @ Solutions Sleuth
- Thirty-One Gifts Thermal Tote @ Look At the Birds
- ABC Necktie @ The Ethertons
Saturday 5/8 :
- Mary's Gone Crackers Cookies @ Cake Mom
- A Touch Of Scandal @ Ree's Space
- EO Products Gift Basket @ One Savvy Mom

33.6392536, -83.985008
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Blog Archive
- Social Parade Week of 5/28
- Introducing: the mini Beach bird V2.0!
- Wordless Wednesday 5/26/10
- Wordless Wednesday 5/19/10
- Social Parade Week of 5/17
- NEW Arizona Brand Vapor Water
- Friday Follow Wooo!!! My Exact 2 Month Anniversary!
- "Your life feels like the morning after all year l...
- Thanks and Update!
- Wordless Wednesday 5/11/10
- Review From Wining (RFW): Sue B Essentials
- Social Parade Week of 5/9
- Follow Me Back Tuesday 5/11
- Giveaway List For May 9nd, 2010 - May 15th, 2010
- Sing-a-Long Sunday
- I need a favor for my mom from the blog moms.
- Friday Follow Wooo!!!
- Thanks for weekly hops and I won!
- Twitter Hop!
- Social Parade!
- Wordless Wednesday 5/5/10
- Day #2: List Post : How to get started in giveaway...
- 31 Days? Day #1: Elevator Pitch
- Thanks Goodie Goodie & Girly Girl!
- Giveaway List For May 2nd, 2010 - May 8th, 2010
- Sing-A-Long Sunday!