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Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach
I am a Blogger, web & graphic designer, girlfriend, student, model, nurses aid, night owl, friend of 420, activist, Catholic, Buddhist, yoga follower, survivalist, friend, daughter, Canadian, Atlantan, strawberry blonde spaz, with a kind heart.
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Saturday, May 8, 2010

I need a favor for my mom from the blog moms.

Befor we begin, I will go ahead and ask a favor of my readers. If you could, and maybe if you would, could you go to her blog and leave a comment or maybe even follow her on Google Friend Connect. I know it would mean a lot to her. She's been kinda down and hasn't been writting, and her mother is 93 this year and very ill. Will you cheer her up? Visit her blog HERE or click on "the BEACH bird 2" button on the right hand sidebar. Just tell her Happy Mothers Day and that Lilly sent you.

Well as you know (if you don't, what the f*@#! is wrong with you). Anyways, as you know, Sunday is Mothers Day. I, unfortunately won't be spending it with my mom :( She lives in Florida and I love in Georgia, and it's not that far away, it's just not a possiblitly right now. I miss my mom. :)

Anyways. I figure instead of posting horrible poetry or terrible singing, I thought why not sum it up with an video and a quote.

"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers."

Growing up with a single mom is a completely different life than having both parents in my opinion. I think the end result is a very stronge connection. You have to learn that you only depend on each other through the years.

My mother and I were always together. Especially when I became home school for a couple of years. The bond we developed was diffenert than any other I've ever encountered. It's been 7 years sense I lived with my mom, and I know that if were lived together now, we'd probably go nuts, but I still love her, and no matter what happens, she's my mom. 

So I'd finally like to say thank you. This is going to be one of the only Mothers Days that I remembered (yeah I know, I'm a loser). But yes, I would like to say thank you to all my moms, especially that one in particular. The one mom who gave me life and suffered though me. And yes I know I was bad... like bad. But hey, what's the old saying, "Be kind to your mother or you'll get it back 10 fold." This quote alone scares me into being warry of having children. 

As for now, I will simply say:

Thanks Mom. I love you. And everything will be ok.
Mom and I after high school graduation.

If you do say hello to my mom, let me know, and I'll gladly do a favor in return. Otherwise, Happy Mothers Day.

Special Mothers day thanks to:
Lucy, Amanda, Tori's mom, Mary-Ellen, and all the other moms I've had.


Erin said...

What a neat Mother's Day gift to be able to send blog traffic her way! I stopped by. Tomorrow's Sing-Along Sunday will be in honor of the moms, so if you'd like to participate again, you can dedicate a song to her!

Veronica Lee said...

I just came from your mom's blog. I'm now her latest follower and I wished her Happy Mother's Day.

You're an awesome daughter!!

Kristen Andrews said...

very sweet and I am heading over to your Mom's blog now

Lydia @ On The Verge said...

Just wanted to let you know I went over to your Mom's blog and I am following her now too!


Judy said...

Wow. Thanks Lilly. I wondered why I was suddenly getting all these comments and followers -- thanks to you all as well. I miss you too Lilly. You have certainly never been boring or bland. You have been and continue to be an awesome daughter and I don't think I could love you any more. I like your website.

♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...

Thank you for taking the time to write me. I am following your mom and wished her a Happy Mother's Day.
Thank you Lilly.
Best wishes,

jeanette_huston@yahoo.com said...

I am following you from Follow Friday.


Jeanette Huston

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